Request for private credit in less than 2 minutes!

Your request for private credit from CHF 5,000.- to CHF 300,000.-
The online financing request is made in less than 2 minutes
The best market conditions with a small monthly payment
You're getting a response within 24 hours max
Highest acceptance rate in Switzerland
Credit application


Request your credit in less than 2 minutes!

Apply for credit in less than 2 minutes!

Credit application


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We are at your disposal 7 days a week to answer your questions!

What our clients
say about us:

Exemple de calcul avec un emprunt de CHF 10’000, un taux d’intérêt annuel effectif entre 4.95% et 10,95% et une durée de 12 mois. Ce financement engendre des intérêts totaux entre CHF 270.15 et CHF 603.00 Durée : 12-84 mois; taux d’intérêt annuel maximum 10,95%. L’octroi d’un crédit est interdit, s’il entraîne le surendettement du consommateur (art. 3 LCD).


Our best articles and useful information on your private credit!


Insurance of monthly loan payments to protect your income

When you obtain a loan, it is important to be able to repay your credit despite all the ups and downs of life. The borrower may be subject to unemployment, work stoppage following an accident or illness. With monthly payment insurance, you protect your salary whatever happens! […]


Why not make several credit applications at the same time?

Do you need private credit to finance a project? Do you want to increase your chances of obtaining a loan from a credit organization? You thus initiate procedures with various credit organizations. At the time, making several credit applications may seem like a good idea, but in reality, it is not the case […]


How does the taxation of private credit work in Switzerland?

Have you ever heard that a tax deduction was possible when you have private credit. What is it really and how is the taxation of private credit in Switzerland? A little zoom on the subject in order to learn more and above all to save you taxes when possible! The possibility of obtaining a deduction […]

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Based on 214 reviews
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Nicola Bonsignore
Nicola Bonsignore
07:18 19 Dec 24
Manuel Ognissanti est un consultant sensationnel et s'est donné beaucoup de mal pour répondre à mes besoins.Je suis très satisfait.
Luca Cassani
Luca Cassani
12:44 23 Oct 24
Sandra Rodrigues
Sandra Rodrigues
10:12 10 Oct 24
See All Reviews

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