When you want to obtain private credit with good conditions, you must submit your application to several banks. In addition, your credit application file must demonstrate the best possible solvency. The process therefore involves many pitfalls to avoid. This is why it is always best to seek the services of a knowledgeable private credit broker!
In order to obtain the best possible conditions for you, we have established a key process to carry out your credit application in the best possible way. Here is the Lica process which is broken down into 3 main steps.
- Making contact
- The processing of your request
- Payment of your funds
To provide you with a full understanding of the business of private credit broker, we have decided to detail our business through these 3 stages in this new article. Good reading !
The main steps when applying for credit with Lica
As explained above, the private credit application process at Lica is broken down into 3 steps. These are, making contact, processing your request and disbursing your funds. For information, a private credit application is generally processed in less than 24 hours upon receipt of all documents.
The first contact
Take the time to get to know you and collect your information
When first making contact, it is always important for us to get to know you well. Thus, our employees will first of all listen to your needs to better understand your situation. During this step, the private credit counselor will ask you various questions. Depending on your answers, he will be able to properly guide the preparation of your credit application.
Processing your credit application
Analyze your credit application and optimize your budget
In order to prepare your loan application file, your appointed private credit counselor will ask you a number of documents. With these, he will be able to properly prepare your credit application. Depending on the information contained in these documents, your private credit counselor will be able to determine how to best present your file. A well-prepared loan application will greatly increase your chances of receiving your loan approval.
Once your file is complete, it can be sent to the various financial institutions. Before this step, in order to maximize your chances of acceptance, an internal operator will also check the quality of your file.
Validate the request internally before submitting your file to the banks

The verification of your request by an internal operator is a decisive step in the process. This is in order to avoid possible refusals. Indeed, if you accumulate refusals in the central credit file (ZEK), you will subsequently reduce your chances of obtaining private credit. During this verification step, the internal operator will first validate your credit application. He will verify that your information is correct and that your ability to support private credit is sustainable over time. This verification step also helps to avoid any errors before submitting your file to credit institutions.
Solicit our partners and compare the offers received
Once your file is complete, validated by an internal operator and the notice is favorable to the granting of private credit, we can submit it to the various lenders on the market. This was a delicate and crucial step in the granting process. One could mistakenly think that it is simply a matter of submitting your request to as many establishments as possible, but this is absolutely not the case. On the contrary, it will be a question here of acting with patience and in a methodical way!
Indeed, each lending institution will have different answers. It will therefore be necessary to adapt or correct your file before possibly soliciting other establishments. After a first refusal, filing your credit application in a second establishment without making the necessary corrections would be a serious mistake which would certainly lead to a second refusal. Receive multiple consecutive refusals, may prevent you from obtaining private credit for several months or years.
At Lica, we maximize your chances of obtaining your private credit on the best terms. This is why we take the time to intelligently submit your private credit application.
The payment of funds relating to your credit application
We advise you before signing your contract

We have accomplished our main mission and you know that you will be able to receive the funds expected for your project. But our work does not stop here! Indeed, once the acceptance has been received, it will be up to us to inform and advise you before signing your private credit agreement. During this step, your private credit advisor will discuss the following questions with you:
- What are the payment terms of your contract?
- What is the interest rate of your private credit
- Is it possible to terminate the contract prematurely?
- How? 'Or' What declare for taxes your private loan?
- Will a raise be possible afterwards?
- And any other questions you may have!
A properly advised client is a client with whom a long-term relationship is possible. Based on this principle, all Lica employees strive to establish trust relationships with each of our clients. Advising you correctly when signing your private credit agreement is therefore naturally a key step to which we attach great importance.
Lica is by your side until your funds are paid
Your credit agreement is now signed and you are therefore waiting for the disbursement of your funds. In 99% cases, the payment is made without difficulty and you therefore receive your money as expected. However, it happens that when making the payment, the bank notices an irregularity in your file. You have for example a chase which was not known when you granted the loan. A document that contradicts certain information taken into consideration can also prevent the disbursement of funds.
In this situation, it is necessary to act quickly and effectively with the lending institution. Your private credit counselor will therefore explain the situation to you without delay and will find a solution with you to remedy the problem. Being able to count on a trusted intermediary is therefore crucial throughout the credit application process until the funds are received.
We maintain a long-term business relationship with our customers

A satisfied customer is a customer who speaks positively of our services! The active recommendation is therefore obtained by bringing real added value to the credit application process. We ensure that each of our customers is totally satisfied with our services in time is an absolute priority.
In addition, the business relationship does not stop as soon as your private credit funds are paid. Indeed, you may need a raise, make an early repayment or review the terms of your contract. Moreover, some service providers offer possible interruptions in the reimbursement of your monthly payments. Depending on your needs, take the time to contact your private credit counselor who will deal with your request with the greatest interest.
Apply for your loan with Lica!
Now that you are fully familiar with our work methodology, you know that you will be in good hands at Lica to obtain the desired private credit. If you are ready to apply for your credit, do your online request in less than 2 minutes. You will receive a non-binding offer within 24 to 48 hours. Make your request without further delay at the following link:
Do you have any questions before applying? Our advisors are there to answer your questions 7 days a week directly on WhatsApp. Ask us for more information and we will be happy to answer you!